passport to asu

Hey crew!

We’re gonna be at Passport if you need to sign up, or grab your membership package if you’ve signed up online. We won’t have a booth, but we’ll be wandering around in this years member shirts (pictured above in mens and womens tees and tanks, a Snowdevil first!) and trying to stand out by wearing ski goggles, carrying boards, etc. If you see one of us, SHOUT! Get our attention, come say hi, hear what the club’s all about, and get signed up!

If ya miss us there, we’ll be hosting a tailgate for the Weber State game (as we will with every game, but the location is TBD at the moment) and as always, our annual Broomball game will take place at Oceanside Ice Arena at 9pm on the 30th! It’s always a huuuuuge event so it’s the perfect time to meet your fellow Snowdevils and get up-close and personal. Literally. It’s chaos on ice and it’s an avalanche of fun so be sure that you don't miss it!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 19, 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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